I live a life I was told was impossible.
This is a glimpse into my story of living an impossible life – from completely overcoming severe mental disorders and to living my dreams when I was told I couldn’t (time and time again).
My story starts off as a very young child with a terrible anxiety disorder and depression (y’all I saw my first therapist when I was between 3 and 5 years old! That’s how tortured I was!)
In my childhood, I was told I would only be able to manage the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Well that led to even more issues, by a preteen I was having full blown panic attacks (the kind that were so bad I dialed 911 convinced I was dying). And then came the diagnosis of Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Clinical Depression, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar, and more. Psychiatric prescriptions started in my preteen years and by late teens/early 20s I was on 11 psychoactive meds. Yep…. 11 different prescriptions to “manage” my symptoms of suffering. It didn’t work. The meds just made me bonkers, legally high, out of my mind, and robbed me of any ability at a good life or sound mind.
It wasn’t till I found the field I’m in now, that I had a full healing (and ALL the psych meds are nothing but a very distant nightmare now). I no longer “manage” mental disorder symptoms…. I AM FREE!!! And now I have the amazing purpose in life to help my clients be free too!!
In fact I traded in my dream of riding professionally and being a horse trainer about 10 years ago in order to be able to help as many people as I can be free too!
That’s a great little side note, I was told my dreams of riding FEI Grand Prix dressage were just that…. unfulfillable dreams. And yet, by God’s goodness I had my dream FEI Grand Prix Dressage horse, got to compete FEI, learned from the top riders/trainers, and had a successful training business.
Now God graciously redirected my life and course corrected it so not only could I be free of the suffering, but I could also help others be free! That’s a story for another time as at first I persisted and stuff got way worse before it got better however that allowed me a priceless education so my clients don’t have to go through what I did! God knows what He’s doing. Trust Him even in the storms.
Continuing on, I was taught I’d basically have to be a slave to work in order to get by in life. Almost like emotionally prostituting myself to work life in order to just get by.
Living, from a very young age, seemed like a life sentence of doom… I had to “manage” terrible suffering forever, I had to work so hard it hurt in order to make money, I had to fear life because it was a terrible fight and at any moment I could lose that fight.
Once free of the emotional torment, accepting another type of chains of suffering- working to get by, felt like a sick joke I refused to be the brunt of. And so, I had the last laugh.
My current profession is a passion of mine. I get to help my clients overcome emotional suffering patterns once and for all. I get to help them create success from the inside out and design their professional lives and personal lives around their own uniqueness. But best of all, I get to witness my clients live free of the imposed prisons, limitations, and chains and instead fall in love with living.
My life is a series of impossibles right down to my two knucklehead horses today y’all see me loving on so much. Horses are another huge passion of mine, and very specifically oversized bay (brown) warmbloods from Europe. Well guess what… both of my horses are just that, literally were flown over from Europe, my dream horses and I got to rescue them. One I picked up from a slaughter auction, and the other was an owner surrender. They both get their happily ever afters, and I get blessed to indulge in my passion.
Even though I’ve gotten very used to miracles and impossible living…. my mind could have NEVER come up that’d I’d rescue two dream horses! But that’s the great thing about stepping out the lies of this world, you make space for God’s miracles.
May this inspire you. Whether you’re in a storm of emotional distress, or dying just to be you and stop living the life you think you’re supposed to, or if in a battle of success, life, or career that society logic tells you that you have to accept… please don’t believe the lies.
From lack and limitations, toxic life patterns, to emotional suffering – you can be free.
If you’re serious about having support to take off the chains once and for all, I want to hear from you. Schedule a consultation.
Yes, I’m serious! Click to schedule consultation!