Premiere Mentorship
A Life Changing Journey

My Mission & Vision
Life is for the Living
It has become a societal norm to “just get through another day”. Many have allowed complacency to steal their dreams and convince them to live in unnecessary suffering.
I come along side those who are done settling and ready to break those chains of suffering and get to living a life they’re excited to wake up for all from the inside out with my revolutionary and unique approach.
End the torment
Close the Door
One of the biggest lies told is that we have to “manage the symptoms of suffering”. Myself and my clients are living proof that is not the case.
Creating new unconscious and conscious mind patterns allow the mind to pick up the new and let go of the old once and for all. Teamed with my background in inner healing and deliverance ministry, everything that has tried to hold you back has to go.
It’s time to break those chains of suffering once and for all.
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-20

Leave behind:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trauma Responses
- Effects of Abuse
- Procrastination
- Grief
- Self Sabotage
- Unconscious Limits & Blocks
- Toxic Life Cycles
- Stress
- Self Consciousness
- Inner Critic
- People Pleasing
- Strongholds
- Destiny Stealers
- Perfectionism
- Emotional Exhaustion
- and so much more

Joy Centered Living & Dreams Realized
Open the Door
All that you’ve dreamed of is not that far away.
Learn how to build emotional fitness, steward your inner world, and have your mind actually work for you instead of against you.
Align with your dreams and desires from the inside out and actually get to living them.
“Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4
The Signature Maven Method
My Proven Approach
“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2

Utilizing my extensive backround in the field of neuroplasticity (mind rewiring), I offer my clients a revolutionary way to build new neural pathways, renew the mind, and create the resources necessary to step into joy centered living and to be a doer of dreams.

Success Coaching
Blending my education in Life and Success Coaching with the Prophetic, I offer my clients unique coaching to help catapult them forward. I always spend time hearing from God on behalf of my clients as well as help them grow in their own ability to hear directly from God too.

Along with Neuroplasticity, Life and Success Coaching, I also have a background in Inner Healing and Deliverance Ministry. Incredible breakthroughs and freedom happen when God is invited in. I believe that expeiencing miracles is meant to be a way of life and I help my clients live lives where they, too, expect miracles.
“Often our reality is a mirror of what’s inside of us, by transforming our inner world we get to see our outer world (our reality) transform as a direct result.”
Our soul (mind, will, and emotions) are ours to steward. As you do, you will see incredible blessings, miracles, and transformations happen.
“as a man thinks, so is he” Psalm 23:7
Get Unstuck
Renew Your Mind vs. Review Your Mind
Most traditional therapies are centered around reviewing the mind over and over hoping to achieve a breakthrough through “processing” the old suffering.
I have found that looping on the old just creates more of what someone doesn’t want.
In the work I do, we get to creating the new and it’s amazing how the mind will choose to let go of the old and pick up the new when you tend to your innew world properly.
Often clients will come to me discouaged from all they’ve tried to get free bu are pleasantly shocked when within the first few weeks of our journey they’re feeling better than they ever have.
I believe the key is to renew the mind, not get stuck in reviewing the mind.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

What’s Included:

Phone Sessions
We will have regular private phone sessions together throughout the month. Thanks to technology, I am able to meet with my clients all over the world!
Email Coaching
I don’t believe anyone should have to wait till their next session in order to receive connection or support. Hence I offer email coaching and I hae so much fun getting to support my clients this way, celebrate their breakthroughs, an stay connected throughout the week.
Mentorship Portal
Mentorship Clients get access to my Mentorship Portal which houses my Mind Gym and a full library of tansformational processes and protocols. My clients favorite are definitely the Sleep Stories which build new unconscious learnings and resources while you relax! Only my Mentroship Clients get my entire library of them.
Joy Rising
As my gift to you, you get bonus access to my group program Joy Rising!! Joy Rising is rich with teachings on so many topics, daily encouraement audios, prayer and spiritual teachings, just to name a few. Both Joy Rising and the Mentorship Portal are located on one convenient app for you devices.